Wednesday, June 29, 2011

He leaves when we die..

Clarence doesn't leave the E Street Band when he dies.
He leaves when we die.
So, I'll miss my friend, his sax,
the force of nature his sound was,
his glory, his foolishness, his accomplishments,
his face, his hands, his humor, his skin,
his noise, his confusion, his power, his peace.
But his love and his story,
the story that he gave me,
that he whispered in my ear,
that he allowed me to tell...
and that he gave to you...
is gonna carry on.
—Bruce Springsteen

1 comment:

  1. Bruce gör det igen!!

    Hittar alltid dom rätta orden!

    Detta är de vackraste orden jag någonsin läst!!!

    Älskade Bruce och Älskade Clarence!!
