"It's a strange new world without Clarence.He has given so much through the years, and now we are left with a gaping Big Man sized hole in the universe. Yet, as his gift continues to inspire, and as well all continue to process the vast changes of our reality, I again turn to music. It's what I have. It's what he gave me from the first moment of seeing him on stage. It's what he's left me with now, and the closeness and the love he and I shared will always remain captured in a moment through pursed lips on a metal mouthpiece." - Jake Clemons

Det blir Jake som kommer att spela på den nya touren...Tack Jake..Din uncle tittar ner och är stolt över dig!
Ja ett stort jävla hål i universum är det! Fint att Jake tar över men jag önskar att han inte hade behövt